Friday, December 5, 2008

if i cross something off my list am i really procrastinating?

the big move is coming and there's still a lot of packing to do. a bit overwhelmed by all that needs to get done, i sat down on monday and wrote out a very detailed to-do list. i thought it would help to see everything written down. i thought it would ease my mind to not have to worry about forgetting things. i thought i could prioritize tasks and be more efficient, but it hasn't really worked out that way.

i am a lot less stressed about forgetting things that need doing now that i have my list written, but seeing all those tasks scrawled out has led to more procrastination. every day i wake up and say - today's the day i'll get to no. 23 - clearing out the closet; or no. 14 going through the huge stack of papers that might require shredding. but somehow i seem to focus on other tasks first. am i really procrastinating if i'm doing other things on the list while ignoring the tasks i don't want to do? afterall i am making forward progress. i suppose i'll end up leaving the things i want to do least till the very end and when there's nothing else left on my list to do but those last tasks i'll have to get them done. maybe :-)

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